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'You may have me now, but the plan will go on,' he said,Īccording to Germany's BILD newspaper he was in contact with Mohamed Mahmoud, an Austrian radical who founded the now banned Islamist group Millatu Ibrahim in Germany in 2012, and is now a senior ISIS commander. In his interrogation Roque M reportedly said that plans by radical Muslims to infiltrate the BfV will continue even with him behind bards. He secretly converted to Islam two years ago even though he continued to be a speaker at pupil-parent relations at the Catholic grammar school some of his children attend. Roque M, 51, was caught by molehunters in the agency to be leaking secrets about the fight against radical Muslims in an online chatroom in the middle of November.Īnd the now the heat is on his former bosses at BfV for failing to winkle out his allegiance to the terrorists during vetting. The face of Roque M revealed: The face of he gay porno actor turned banker turned double-agent who was caught in Germany leaking secrets to Islamic Jihadists has been released

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